Our morning services are at 10:30am on Sundays.
This Sunday, 9th February, the sermon will be Where do we go from here? (Jeremiah 6:16; preacher: Simon Lambourne).
If you are unable to join us in the church building for the morning service, you are welcome to join on Zoom instead. The Zoom meeting is generally open from a few minutes before the service starts, and there is an opportunity to stay and chat afterwards with others on Zoom if you wish.
Evening services are generally at 6pm on Sundays, with a variety of different formats week by week. Unlike the morning services, these are not usually recorded or broadcast on Zoom.
This Sunday evening, 9th February, will be a communion service led by Magnus Forrester-Barker.
See our monthly newsletter for further details of this month's programme.
We do not generally record our evening services. Videos of morning services are no longer publicly available, but please contact the church office if you would like access to a recording of a past service.
Videos of sermons remain available on our YouTube channel. You will find links to these videos in our sermon archive, along with audio recordings dating back as far as 2008, and notes or slides for some sermons. Note that not all sermons were recorded.
Find out what we have been singing recently by looking at our songs database: