We are a body of Christian believers based in Bangor in North Wales, loving and supporting one another and our community in as many ways as possible.
Please feel free to explore our website, and to drop us a line — we'd love to hear from you. Check back often for updates. On this page you will find links to some areas that may be of particular interest, and the whole site is available via the menu at the top of each page.
Our homegroups meet online or in person during the week and provide an excellent opportunity for Bible study, prayer and fellowship. If you are not already in a homegroup we warmly encourage you to try one.
A quiet shared space where it's ok not to be ok. Open every Thursday, 10:30am – 12:30pm for chat, shared hobbies and company, with free refreshments. All are welcome. Please drop in.
If you missed any of the sermons from our recent series, A Radical and Missional Community or would like to revisit any of the sermons, the whole series is now available as a playlist on our YouTube channel.